365 Project A Day in my Life

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sunday Assignment 8, E&E Love Day 53/365* project

Baby Girl loves her big Bubba...he is 11 yrs older than her and we are so thankful to his Mom for letting him live with his Dad so they could grow up together, the bound she has with him is unshakable...she calls him Big Bubba and she's his Poo Monkey...she was so excited when he walked in to watch her be Baptized.

Day 53/365 project

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 50/365 Projest

My oldest Granddaughter was Baptised and had her first Communion this morning, I was so proud of her...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 50/365 project

I will be gone out of town tomorrow, so I am posting my picture for Sunday today...
I love the moon, but I just can't get a good shot of it...way too many trees...

Day 49/365 project

Granny's Girls  MooMoo liked this one best, but I think
I like the slight hint of color in this one

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 48 / 365 project...sleepy little bird

I was checking the fog out this morning and noticed a bird setting on the feeder not moving, she set there for over 30 minutes after I noticed her, don't know how long she'd been there before then..this was taken at 6:30. When Levi came out of the pasture she flew up into the big tree. I kept watching her and realized she was sleeping, not eating.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 47/365 project

How did I miss yesterday's post?..wow, I can't believe I lost a whole day...I know I was busy making a book of my photos of my Granddaughter..Walgreen is giving away free PhotBooks 8X11, untill midnight tonight and I was trying to finish my DIL's Birthday present while I could get such a good deal. But didn't realize until today I'd forgotten to post here...so here it is a day late..I took this when My Sister and I went junkin Tuesday. I love to go to the old school. It has so much history about it.
The old Wesson, MS. School, it housed grade 1 thru 12, built in 1889, burnt down in 1890 and rebuilt in 1893
If anyone is interested, go to Walgreen.com and it is the 8x11 classic linen, photo Book, free, you only pay shipping and tax. I paid 7.86..saved 19.99. enter code word FAVORITEBOOK2 and it ends tonight at midnight. I just found out about it yesterday. Here is the link.... http://on.fb.me/6TmVCa

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 46/ 365 project

Yesterday morning I was snapping pictures of my bird feeder and spotted this big boy trying to eat from the little feeder, I started snapping away..1 min he was there the next he was gone. You can imagine my surprise when I loaded my photos to the computer and found this one...looked like he almost flew into my bedroom window. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 45/ 365 project

Don't know why but when I took this picture yesterday after the sun finally came out...the song "I can see clearly now the rain has gone" kept popping up in my head.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35/365 Project

And the ice moved in over night....
couldn't decide between these 2 pictures so just used both

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33/ 365 project

With all this rain and bad weather I get bored so I played around with a shot I did Sat...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day32 / 365 project

another gloomy wet day in MS..as I traveled to town to buy groceries yesterday evening...
today we are under tornado watches..